Your Advocacy Team and Our Credentials

Kenni York
Founder & Executive Director
At the age of 14 Kenni was molested by her father. Over the years she has harbored the same emotional and mental anguish as most sexual abuse victims feeling as if her worth was lessened by the cruel act that tarnished her innocence. That was until she realized the power of her testimony. In 2013 Kenni began organizing and hosting Let Your Voice Be Heard, which was then a benefit event held during National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Over the past five years this event has helped to raise funds for organizations in Atlanta that provide services to sexual abuse victims such as Day League, Voice Today, and The Still Standing Foundation. Through her community involvement in promoting the event as well as promoting sexual assault awareness Kenni has given hope to victims of all ages, backgrounds, and genders showing survivors that they are not alone and that resources are available.
With a BA in psychology from Agnes Scott College, Kenni has also been certified as a Sexual Abuse Advocate via Georgia's Darkness to Light's Stewards of Children training program. In 2017, she took her advocacy a step further by registering The Let Your Voice Be Heard Foundation, Incorporated as a non-profit organization in Georgia.
With a clear mission and full of determination, Kenni places herself in various and considerably unexpected platforms in order to reach those who may need to hear her testimony of survivorship and message of making the most out of your trials and tribulations. She has been featured on national and local broadcasts such as TBN's In Our Town, WATC TV's Atlanta Live, PEOPLE TV's The Nikhol Jackson Show, as well as periodicals such as Glamour Magazine, Urban Image Magazine, Luxe Factor Magazine, and the international magazine Emerge. Her spiels of empowerment, overcoming, and creating a legacy while walking in your destiny have been heard over airwaves via shows like Let's Talk America with Shana Thornton, Conversations Live with Cyrus Webb, IBNX's Live Life in the Purple with MLuv, Empowering You Now Radio, Fire 91.8's Indastreets with Tina B, and a plethora of other syndicated, live streaming, and Blogtalk radio programs. Kenni has given formal and informal addresses for various organizations including Distinctive Reflections, Dream Out Loud 2000, Create Your Dreams Youth Organization, and the Warren Street Boys and Girls Club just to name a few. She's been called upon to speak at conferences and events designed to empower and inspire youth and women while emphasizing the importance of being and loving YOU despite the obstacles and hardships you may endure. Such engagements include the Teen Queen Atlanta Conference, Purple Tie Monologues, The Still Standing Foundation's Purple Affair, Bold and Standing Tall Domestic Abuse Teleconference, The Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and the Beverly Johnson Interfaith Symposium among others.
Sed "The Saint"
Programming Coordinator
Born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, DJ Sed "The Saint", is a true music lover, performing both nationally and internationally. She was given the nickname "The Saint" when she was younger because her school friends said she was the kindest person they knew.
Her benevolence continued in 2013 when she joined forces with the foundation's founder to promote and host the organization's first benefit event. Since then, Sed has gone from hosting the annual event to spearheading the organization's marketing, fundraising, and programming initiatives. Sed can always be found pushing the agenda of creating awareness on behalf of the foundation and the greater cause of helping survivors throughout the Atlanta area. Sed has a dual degree in sociology and anthropology from Agnes Scott College.
MORE about DJ Sed's Musical Achievements:
Known for wowing the crowd with live surprise remixing, Sed has provided the groove for diverse audiences including the Power to the Polls Women's March in Atlanta, March for Our Lives Atlanta, The AIDS Walk, W Hotels in Atlanta, The Ford Motor Company stage at the Essence Music Festival, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Banana Republic, Bloomingdale's and countless fashion shows, charity events, conferences and art expos.